Wednesday, March 29, 2017

How to get involved in a campaign!

Hello! My apologies for the long delay, but I'm back! To quickly summarize, I was afforded a very rare opportunity to travel to Washington DC and learn how to run for office and run a campaign by a select group of political consultants. 

The individuals each specialized in a certain part of running a campaign and while it was absolutely astounding to hear some of their stories, it was even more amazing to kick ideas around to them and get some guidance from them. When I arrived, I naturally looked around the room and noticed myself and one other individual that was roughly my age. Everything else was in their forties and dare I say......quite a bit more seasoned. 

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Out of town for a couple days

Right now, my nerdy side is about to come out big time. I'm currently in Washington D.C. at a political training academy.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Organized labor PAC funding

Let’s talk today a little bit about Political Action Committee funding, or better known as a PAC. Without a doubt, you’ve seen this line thrown around in news articles or heard someone say it when they are debating with other candidates. The old saying is “There are two things in politics: Influence and money.” While this is mostly true, there reasons to participate financially.
The union version of this involves you and your political action chair sitting down and talking about why it’s important to get involved financially, and then asking for a monthly political action fund donation at either state level, international level, or both. If you agree, you then sign a sheet of paper authorizing money to be taken out of paycheck monthly. In our union we have members that don’t give a single dollar to either, and we have members who give substantial amounts of money to both.

Monday, March 6, 2017

3 things every Millennial leader should remember.

If you are a millennial stuck in the grind of corporate America, you have undoubtedly asked yourself more times than once, "What should I do?" While this question can be more rhetorical than anything else, it's important to keep your energy, drive, and focus on what really matters to you in life. There are some people that look for greener pastures elsewhere, and there is nothing wrong with that. But for some individuals, the answer to "What should I do?" leads to becoming a leader within your their organization.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Basic of how a bill becomes a law.

Talking with some co-workers the other day, we somehow got on the subject of the millennial generation (surprise!). I'm a firefighter, and the job brings a very unique aspect to it. Everything about it is generational, from the words used to describe the tools, to the current tactics and skill set that we have. There are a million ways to skin a cat, as the old term goes, so we like to try and learn from each other. When we do this, we are able to bring a special tool to our own toolbox. The question came about how to "engage" the younger members, and where the shortcomings may be on the educational level. When the conversation took a political turn, it started to process in my head that there are plenty of people my age that may not know how a bill becomes a law. So lets do a short rundown.